Lawn Paint 2Welcome to the BIO-DRY Contractor Club!

BIO DRY Before and After CU

BIO-DRY makes several environmentally friendly cleaners and enhancers.

BIO-DRY makes the world’s best concrete and asphalt cleaners for oil stains. So good in fact, it’s patented. Oil Stains removal can be very difficult to remove and we have the solution! Whether you have received a slip and fall incident report or would like a professional service to achieve the best results possible, BIO-DRY Authorized Applicators have professional tools to get the job done right.

BIO-DRY makes environmentally friendly turf, mulch and lake colorants. An easy product that can greatly reduce water costs and HOA fines for brown grass during the winter or drought.

BIO-DRY has created an outstanding Mold, Mildew and Algae waterless cleaner that will be available soon and is working on additional concrete and asphalt cleaners. An excellent product for cleaning fragile area where pressure washing can’t be used.

Our National BIO-DRY TEAM can remove oil stains, remove mold, mildew and algae or enhance your property with lush green grass. More importantly, it is all environmentally safe and with no water use.

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Why Become An Authorized BIO-DRY Applicator?

BIO-DRY offers a free listing of your company on our website. We will list your business information, link up to 10 of your web pages and include an oil stain removal or lawn painting video if you choose to make one.


  1. First and foremost, It’s Free to you, but not to everyone!
  2. Receive exclusive sizable discounts on BIO-DRY products to help grow your bottom line and make every job profitable.*
  3. Environmentally friendly waterless cleaners and appearance enhancers is a highly-paid niche that BIO-DRY fulfills.
  4. There are no better products on the market and BIO-DRY has proven oil stain removal can be a business in itself.
  5. Oil stain removal can get your business new accounts, more work and higher profits.*
  6. HOA requirements is a new niche business area that secures the need for BIO-DRY Applications.*
  7. Studies show homes with impressive lawns can sell for as much as 10% more.
  8. BIO-DRY keeps businesses and yourself compliant with EPA requirements.
  9. BIO-DRY will not harm plants, grass or vegetation.


  1. Become a member of our National Contractor Club, The BIO-DRY TEAM!
  2. Obtain LEADS through our Website.* By obtaining a business listing on our Professional Applicator page, your business will have the ability to receive NEW LEADS through Once a customer arrives on at the BIO-DRY Website our web pages educate them of the various hazards caused by oil stains. Our goal is to prevent damage on concrete and asphalt and keep our customers healthy.
  3. BIO-DRY is on the First Page of many Internet search results that are oil stain related. This is not by accident. BIO-DRY has built solid products and are heavily optimized for premium web search results. Customers find us by looking for products, then find YOU.
  4. Your business will have instant credibility and web presence for oil stain and lawn painting related services. We have even had some property managers require their contractors to use BIO-DRY waterless concrete and asphalt cleaners.
  5. By cross-linking our keywords and by BIO-DRY linking your web pages, your Search Engine Rankings will increase straight to the top for oil stain removal and lawn painting.
  6. If you choose to make an oil stain removal or lawn painting video, we will embed this into your listing. You will come up more quickly in search engines. This means better visibility and more leads.
  7. List up to 10 cities in your BIO-DRY listing to use as your keywords for your services
  8. Free Training via Videos, SOPs, Text, Email and Phone.
  9. Find out about new BIO-DRY products before anyone else does and get a leg up on the competition.

Qualifications and Rules:

  1. Contractor must purchase 1 45lb container of a BIO-DRY Cleaner or a 4×1 gallon case of Turn-It Green Lawn Paint to be listed.*
  2. Any contractor can be listed in multiple categories, but most purchase the minimum requirements for that category.
  3. Follow instructional videos, download SOPs and other literature and speak with representatives to learn the process. The BIO-DRY Team is here to help guide you through the process.
  4. Contractor must be in the business of professional power washing, concrete restoration, window washing, roof cleaning, landscaping or maintenance business.
  5. Contractor has a website and agrees to publish a “Professional Oil Stain Removal” or “Professional Lawn Painting” page. On this page he must link a minimum of 3 keywords over to various web pages on the BIO-DRY website.
  6. Contractor must be active in using BIO-DRY products for jobs in order to maintain authorized status and website placement. This normally requires more than 2 containers or cases of product per year for specific category.

Cost: FREE. Enjoy the benefits and perks of being an Authorized Applicator.

By filling out the New Applicator link request below, contractor agrees that he/she meets the qualifications of the BIO-DRY Authorized Applicator Program and will abide by the rules listed above. This agreement is contingent on approval by the BIO-DRY TEAM. BIO-DRY Products, LLC reserves the right to place listings where needed and make changes to our Authorized Applicator program at any time. List up to 10 cities you cover in the description as well

Add New Applicator

Proof of previous purchase within the past 12 months is required. If not found, the applicator will not be approved. To get approved, please contact us below.

If you need assistance, please call 910-297-5896 or email and reference the new Authorized BIO-DRY Applicator program.

*Please note that BIO-DRY does not guarantee sales or profits made by our products and purchase of products should be made solely on your judgement. You must join the Contractor Club first and be a prior customer before being listed as an authorized applicator. Normal product training assistance is available, however marketing assistance and lead generation is not allowed per federal laws.