Using BIO-DRY as an Add-On Service to Your Existing Business

BIO-DRY’s Waterless concrete and asphalt cleaners are designed to clean and break down oil stains

Our waterless cleaners have 3 parts to help destroy oil stains:

  1. Absorption – we use ultrafine materials as small as 5 microns in size to get down in to the pores of the concrete and help absorb deeper
  2. Emulsification – we use surfactants to help break oil away from concrete deep in the pores to get concrete cleaner.
  3. Bacteria – we use bacteria specifically designed for hydrocarbons that continue to produce more colonies for at least one week.  Over 4 billion colony forming units per pound to be exact.

Common Questions You May Have


Do I need a pressure washer to use this?

No.  That is the beauty of the product.  No pressure washing unit or water source is needed.  In fact, the product and broom can usually fit in your work truck, van or trailer with no problem on room.  Our product is designed to get below the surface where pressure washing gets on the surface.  More importantly, the bacteria in BIO-DRY’s cleaners breaks down and remediates the oil so you don’t have to worry about reclaiming water as required by the EPA’s Clean Water Act.

Pressure washing in a cold environment or during a drought?  Our cleaners are an excellent substitute to keep you getting paid without the hassles of water freezing or drought usage worries.

How can I make money with BIO-DRY’s cleaners at commercial locations?

This is where our customers see the biggest amount of success.  It’s another revenue stream and can be added in when already on site, boosting dollars per employee hour.  BIO-DRY’s cleaners are a great safe alternative that can be used on drive thru lanes, gas stations, dumpster pads, parking decks, parking lots, sidewalks, hydraulic hose break clean ups and much more.  Generally the BIO-DRY cleaners can be applied faster and easier than flat work pressure washing.  If you are currently servicing commercial locations, then you have the ability to add this exterior cleaning service to your offerings.  Usually the less service companies a manager has to deal with, the better for them and better for you.

How can I make money with BIO-DRY’s cleaners at residential locations?

Americans spill 180 million gallons of oil every year.  Think about how much of that ends up on driveways.  In most cases, the application time is less than 5 minutes for a residential oil stain.  If you are a weekly landscaping company or are all over the area, you could return to treat easily and without customer interaction without even needing to turn off your truck.  By having a container on your truck, you can pocket easy money in add-on services when performing other services.  The decision can be up to you if you spot treat or apply a very thin layer to the entire driveway (along with the added cost to the invoice) allowing it to help penetrate remaining stains and brighten the driveway in the process.

What does it do?

Our cleaners target the oil stains by attaching to the oil and grease and molecularly breaking up the carbon chains to loosen and clean the surface through the process of bio-remediation.  Additionally, they help absorb other spills, provide a barrier for gum, prevent favorable environments for algae and moss, and help protect from below the surface.

Do I rinse it off or vacuum it up?

No.  Once you apply it, you just simply leave it in place to continue the absorption and breaking down.  Some will be attached to hydrocarbon stains, some will be removed by the elements, some will work farther down into the pores and some will stay in place. Afterall, the bacteria will continue to work for at least 1 week.

Where can I buy these products?

you can find our products available at or call your sales rep.

How do I apply it?

It’s quite simple.  You apply the powder cleaner and simply sweep the product over the area until absorbed into the oil and other hydrocarbon stains with the other areas being pushed in to the pores.  Continue until there is no loose powder on the surface.  Watch the videos below for techniques on larger commercial applications.

How much do applicator tools cost?

No fancy tools here.  For best results, a fine flagged broom is ideal for a smooth appearance and is best for commercial applications.  However, most push brooms are serviceable and smaller stains can be as simple as a paint brush being used.

Are you telling me this is a purple unicorn or a magic bullet?

Purple unicorn maybe, but not a one time magic bullet.  To fully remove an oil stain, more than one application is expected.  We see tremendous removal after the first application, but to be most effective additional applications are expected to help get farther down in to the concrete and more bacteria to further break down the hydrocarbon chains.  This can be discussed up front and either be built in to your cost for a return trip, or a portion given to the site owner to apply.  We do have several applicators that have very happy customers from only one application.

Will it absorb water?

Yes and no.  It will initially absorb water, but will dry out.  No worries about adhering to concrete or being used up by rain.  The products dry back out and are ready to work on oil and other hydrocarbons.


Watch Bio-Dry Work

Gas Station Application

Bank Drive Thru Cleaning Application

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